mirror#1.Featured on: Lost at E minor: "Cut to future shock"
Personal work
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leda and the swan
Leda and the swan
Illustration by Noumeda Carbone.
Ma fraise
Original hand drawing on paper by Noumeda Carbone
Portrait 18
Ink drawing on paper.
Le noir
Black and white surreal drawing by Noumeda Carbone
Portrait 15
Portrait #15.Drawing by Noumeda Carbone
Ink and pigment liner on 100% acid free cotton paper 300gr.
Size: 20x20 cm (7.9 x 7.9 x 0.1 in)
Noise. Drawing by Noumeda
Noise. Drawing by Noumeda
Pigment liner on 100% acid free hot pressed 300 g cotton paper.
23x30,5 cm.
Handmade item.
Drawing by Noumeda Carbone
Take me somewhere nice
hand drawing by Noumeda Carbone
Ink portrait 40
Ink drawing on paper and animated gif by Noumeda Carbone
hand drawing by Noumeda Carbone
23x39 cm on 100% acide free cotton paper 300 gr
Dazed. Hand drawing postcards by Noumeda Carbone.
figurative drawing by Noumeda Carbone. Hand drawing postcards by Noumeda Carbone.
Pigment liner su carta 300gr , 100% cellulosa E.C.F. (Elemental Chlorine Free).