"Disease" Pills Sculpture. 9500 empty capsules.
"Disease by Noumeda Carbone is an art series of sculptures made out of empty pill capsules—9500 empty capsules, to be exact. Abstractly formed, each creation looks like some kind of disease rather than the cure they are supposed to be. They seem to suggest that taking medication can become a problem in and of itself. Even the colorful exterior attempts to hide the often dark truth of pill popping, which is symbolized by the black void inside. The French-Italian artist and freelance illustrator, who is based in Florence, Italy, writes, “I like the error, the small surprise between lines, the light.” Disease by Noumeda Carbone can be considered a surprise, though perhaps not a happy one."
"Disease by Noumeda Carbone is an art series of sculptures made out of empty pill capsules—9500 empty capsules, to be exact. Abstractly formed, each creation looks like some kind of disease rather than the cure they are supposed to be. They seem to suggest that taking medication can become a problem in and of itself. Even the colorful exterior attempts to hide the often dark truth of pill popping, which is symbolized by the black void inside. The French-Italian artist and freelance illustrator, who is based in Florence, Italy, writes, “I like the error, the small surprise between lines, the light.” Disease by Noumeda Carbone can be considered a surprise, though perhaps not a happy one."

Size: 19.7 H x 27.6 W x 15.7 in

"Disease" Pills Sculpture! 9500 empty capsules.

"Disease" Pills sculpture. 9500 empty capsules
Italian artist Noumeda Carbone works in fields as diverse as fashion, street art, illustration and painting. Her sculptures retain a certain colorful vividness that characterizes much of her work. However, their material is quite interesting: pills (or more accurately empty pill capsules.) Carbone assembles the pill capsules into undulating three dimensional shapes. While the shapes are vaguely organic, reminiscent of cellular or molecular structures, the colors emphasize their synthetic nature. These sculptures along with her Wearable Pills series playfully blur the line between fashion, art and biology.
"Disease by Noumeda Carbone is an art series of sculptures made out of empty pill capsules—9500 empty capsules, to be exact. Abstractly formed, each creation looks like some kind of disease rather than the cure they are supposed to be. They seem to suggest that taking medication can become a problem in and of itself. Even the colorful exterior attempts to hide the often dark truth of pill popping, which is symbolized by the black void inside. The French-Italian artist and freelance illustrator, who is based in Florence, Italy, writes, “I like the error, the small surprise between lines, the light.” Disease by Noumeda Carbone can be considered a surprise, though perhaps not a happy one."
Italian-based artist Noubeda Carbone is known typically for her award-winning illustrations. Her sculptures, however, are similarly colorful and meticulous. The Disease Sculptures and Wearable Pills series each include pieces painstakingly crafted from pill capsules. While her 3D work may exude a technicolor lightheartedness, the medium itself is disquieting. Particularly in the Wearable Pills series, the modern shift from pharmaceuticals as medical items to vanity products is especially striking. Carbone may be highlighting the visually pleasant nature of the pills as it’s connected to the dream of personal transformation.
A artista francesa Noumeda Carbone criou uma série esculturas produzidas com cápsulas de comprimidos. Intitulado de “Doença”, o conjunto tem como objetivo representar diversos tipos de enfermidade através dos medicamentos que as combatem. Segundo a autora, o exterior colorido das obras representa um esconderijo para o interior negro referente ao crescimento de um sentimento de hipocondria na sociedade.
Com estúdio na cidade de Florença, na Itália, Carbone é especializada em trabalhos feitos com gravuras de caneta e tinta. O projeto atual é uma continuação de outra série, chamada “Doenças e Coisas Tristes”, baseada em ilustrações sobre o mesmo tema.